Class of '63

As those in attendance already know, we invited Mr. Kushner, dedicatee of our yearbook, to attend the reunion.  We realized that he was a great influence on many of his students - not just in speech and acting, but in showing us standards for life.

There was little we could do, we thought, to honor him - he already had a doctorate and other honors.

We decided that we should make him an honorary member of the class, and we prepared a diploma to suit the occasion.  We also asked you who knew him to write down your thoughts.   Here are the comments.

Betty Abbott Lacey Dee Martin Montgomery Denny Carnahan Macklin, '64
Diane Nothum Smith Dick Lester Greg Merriam
Jack Finnell John Frisbie Joshua Adams
Steve McCarthy Walter Struve If more tributes come along, I'll publish them as well.

Mr. Kushner has sent a Thank You.

Revised: July 22, 2008