Whee! Mrs. Fuller makes a clean sweep.
" The Chatter? Late August, I should think."  Mrs. Shipler abandons hope.

"Is anybody in there?"  John keeps us shipshape.

"Me and my bright ideas."  Mr. Darsch deep in Wuhala Woods.
"Well, all right!"  Dr. Hiebert approves.
"A fertile mind, indeed!"  Sorry Mr. Brown.  We couldn't resist.
"The Three Musketeers."  Mr. Hering, Mr. Cloidt and Mr. Kushinka take to the field.
"Who said I have a swelled head?"  Mr. Hering has a ball.
"Umm...umm, good!"  Mr. Kreisell relaxes at lunch.
"He tackled the ref!"  Mr. Brown and Mr. Loock enjoy the game.