July Birthdays
The Reunion Committee has set the date and venue for the 50th. Go to the Reunion '13 page (top menu item) and take the survey to let us know. We're getting closer! If you move or change email address or phones, you can click on the Update Info on the menu to the left or here.
Also, you can
change data on the CHS Reunions site, which is being maintained by the
School District of the Chathams (SDOC).
Also, I've redone the "missing
email" page to make it easier to figure out. Do you have any archival photos. Contact me. If I get them, I'll treat them with utmost care. I'll scan, burn a CD and return the originals and CD to you promptly. I am always seeking new stuff. Several classmates are looking through their photo albums and scrapbooks for old photos, newspaper articles, etc. If you find some old photos, I always prefer digitized images, but I can accept photos and negatives. I'll digitize them and return originals to you. Click link to submit anything "newsy" or fun or poignant or to find out my snail-mail address. LINK. In the meantime, Enjoy. Revised: July 03, 2012
We've assembled a simplified
restaurant list with Milli Seemar's
help. Hotlinks are imbedded where available. Others would require
a Google search. Some
Reunion Humor
A bit of a joke
My wife and I were sitting at a table at my high school
reunion, and I kept staring at a drunken woman swigging her
drink, as she sat alone at a nearby table.
Do you have any archival photos.
Contact me.
If I get them, I'll treat them with utmost care. I'll scan, burn a
CD and return the originals and CD to you promptly. Betty and Joshua
traveled to Chatham and stayed at the Hamilton Park on August 9.
Read our comments (click here).
Our own survey (if you didn't get one)
click here.